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Discovered by Coke

4.8 ( 3488 ratings )
Розробник: ECHO DOOEL

AR iskustvo za novi talent šou u Srbiji “Discovered by Coke”.
Sa “Discovered by Coke” AR aplikacijom mozeš da skeniraš specijalne promotivne Coca-Cola limenke sa likovima mentora ovog talent šoua – srpskih muzičkih zvezda: Sare Jo, Bojane Vunturišević, Leona i grupe S.A.R.S.
Pronađi promotivne limenke, skeniraj fotografije i poslušaj šta naše muzičke zvezde imaju da ti kažu!
Preko ove aplikacije možeš i da pristupiš oficijelnom sajtu talent šoua:

An augmented reality experience for the new talent show in Serbia “Discovered by Coke”.
With “Discovered by Coke” AR app you can scan limited edition of promo Coca-Cola cans with the images of the talent show’s mentors - Serbian music stars: Sara Jo, Bojana Vunturišević, Leon and S.A.R.S.
Find the promo cans, scan the images and see what our music stars have to say to you!
Through this app you can also connect to the official website of the talent show: